Ferrochrome converter
The purpose
of a
ferrochrome converter (CRC) is to remove silicon as well
as part of carbon from the molten ferrochrome by blowing oxygen into
the melt. The CRC process produces raw material for the AOD
converter used in stainless steel production, whereas the raw materials
of the CRC are molten ferro-chrome with high silicon and carbon
contents and stainless steel scrap. Therefore, the CRC process serves
effectively as a link between the ferrochrome production
and the production of stainless steels. At Process Metallurgy Research
Unit, the research has focussed on the chemical reactions and their
equilibria in the metal bath.
- A fast electrochemical method was tested successfully for determination of the initial silicon content in the ferrochrome converter process. Consequently, it is possible to make more accurate calculations for process control and thereby reduce process variation, environmental burden and operating costs.
- Crucible tests were used for determine slag composition regions that improve the refractory compatibility of ferrochrome converter slags.
Selected publications
- V.-V. Visuri, E.-P. Heikkinen, J. Kaisto, A. Harju, R. Mattila, P. Kupari, T. Ikäheimonen, and T. Fabritius, The Effect of the MgO Content of Slag on its Penetrability into the Refractory Lining in a Ferrochrome Converter, Proceedings of the 16th International Ferro-Alloys Congress (A. Wærnes, G. Tranell, M. Tangstad, E. Ringdalen, and C. van der Eijk, eds.), SINTEF/NTNU/FFF, Trondheim, Norway, 2021.
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- H. Pesonen, V.-V.Visuri, T. Ikäheimonen, and T. Fabritius, "In Situ Measurement of Silicon Content in Molten Ferrochrome", Proceedings of the 3rd European Steel Technology and Application Days, The Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1218–1227,
- E.-P. Heikkinen, T. Ikäheimonen, O. Mattila, T. Fabritius, and V.-V. Visuri, "Behavior of Silicon, Carbon and Chromium in the Ferrochrome Converter – A Comparison Between the CTD and Process Samples , Proceedings of the 6th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, Jernkontoret, Stockholm, Sweden, 2011.