I have teached and assisted in courses on Process Metallurgy and Industrial Engineering at the University of Oulu and at the Aalto University. However, my main form of pedagogical activity is the supervision of Doctoral, Licentiate, Master's, and Bachelor's theses in Process Metallurgy. The instructed theses cover a broad range of topics ranging from ironmaking via meltshop to hot rolling.
- 477425S Current and future status of process industry (in Finnish), University of
Lectures in 2024
477427A High temperature processes
- "Converter processes in carbon steelmaking"
- "Converter processes in stainless steelmaking"
477425S Prosessiteollisuus nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
- "Digitalisaatio"
- "Metallurgisten prosessien mallinnus. Osa 1: virtausmallinnus"
- "Metallurgisten prosessien mallinnus. Osa 2: termodynaaminen ja termodynaamis-kineettinen mallinnus"
- "Converter processes in steelmaking", CHEME6165 Unit Processes in Pyrometallurgy, Aalto University.
- "Konverterprozesse in der Edelstahlherstellung", Gastvorlesung, Montanuniversität Leoben
- "Konverterprozesse in der Stahlherstellung", Gastvorlesung, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
- "Konverterprozesse in der Edelstahlherstellung", Gastvorlesung, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Supervision of theses
Doctoral theses
- A. Wicaksono, "Reduction of chromite", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- S. Ali, "Optical emission spectroscopy from hydrogen plasma smelting reduction", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- N. Majoudi, "Solidification of highly-alloyed stainless steels", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- J. Ruokamo, "Testing and Modelling Mould Powders for High-speed Continuous Casting of Advanced High-Strength Steel", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- A. Agnihotri, "Future EAF steelmaking with different iron-bearing raw materials", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- A. Javed, "Mathematical modelling of hydrogen plasma smelting reduction",
Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- H.-R. Putaala, "Monitoring of hydrogen plasma smelting reduction using optical emissions spectroscopy", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- A. Rautioaho, "Monitoring of hydrogen burners using OES", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- A. Piippo, "Refractories", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- I. Mäkelä, "Mathematical modelling of the electric arc furnace process", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- J. Norrena, "Modelling of continuous casting", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- M. Pylvänäinen, "Vibration-based monitoring of steelmaking processes", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, in progress.
- T. Vuolio, "Model-based identification and analysis of hot metal
desulphurisation", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2021.
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- E. Ramasetti, "Modelling of Open-eye Formation and Mixing Phenomena
in a Gas-stirred Ladle for Different Operating Parameters", Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2019.
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Licentiate theses
J. Kunelius, Kamien muodostuminen uppokaariuunissa (Formation of agglomerates
in the submerged arc furnace), Licentiate thesis, University of
Oulu, in progress.
Master's theses
- N. Poikkimäki, "An experimental study of dephosphorization in the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction process", Master’s thesis, University of Oulu, 2024.
- S. Simonen, "Modeling of grain growth in ferritic stainless steels", Master’s thesis, University of Oulu, 2024.
- J. Ruokamo, ”Melting and solidification of mould powders for high-speed thin slab casting”, Master’s thesis, University of Oulu, 2024.
- V. Kähkönen, "Factors affecting the free opening of a steel ladle", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- E. Lassila, "Effect of scale formation on the emissivity of austenitic stainless steels in an annealing furnace", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- S. Rytky, "Direct reduction of chromite using the FFC Cambridge method", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- R. Jussila, "Modelling of gas-phase reactions in the freeboard of an EAF", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2021.
- I. Mäkelä, "Mathematical model for the thermal state of a steel ladle", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2021.
- S. Kuure, "Physico-chemical Properties of Slag in the SAF Process", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2021.
- L. Hekkala, "Metalli-kuona -reaktioiden matemaattinen mallintaminen valokaariuuniprosessissa
(Mathematical Modelling of Metal-Slag Reactions in the Electric Arc Furnace Process)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu,
- H. Tähtilä, "Kokeellinen tutkimus raakaraudan rikinpoistokuonan muokkaamisesta (An Experimental Study on Modification of Slag in Hot Metal Desulfurization)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2020.
- C. Massa, "Development and validation of a CFD model for gas-liquid, two-phase flow in bloom casting ladle shroud", Master's thesis, KU Leuven, 2020.
- A. Ringel, "Online modelling of an electric arc furnace", Master's thesis, RWTH
Aachen University, 2020.
- P. Pekuri, "Initial Slag in Primary Desulphurisation of Hot Metal", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2020.
- J. Paso, "Koksin reaktiivisuus ferrokromikuonan kanssa (Coke reactivity in
molten ferrochrome slag") , Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2018.
- J. Kaisto, "MgO-pitoisuuden vaikutus kromikonvertterikuonan tunkeumaan
tulenkestävään materiaaliin (The effect of CRC slag MgO content on the
penetration of slag into refractory lining)", Master's thesis, University of
Oulu, 2018.
- T. Veijola, "Improving the control of electric arc furnace by combining optical emissions with process data", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2018.
- M. Isotalo, "Optimisation of sheet rolling", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2018.
- T. Palovaara, "Physical Modelling of Gas Injection in a Ladle", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2017.
- P. Lehtonen,"An Experimental Study on Desulfurization of Hot Metal with Lime-based Reagents", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2017.
- T. Vuolio, "Improvement potential of primary hot metal delsulphurization", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2017.
- J. Luomanen, "Application of on-line casting simulator for quality control of stainless steel", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2017.
- V. Kivel , AOD-prosessimallien hyödyntäminen mellotuksen kehittämisessä (The use of AOD process models in the development of decarburization)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
- M. Prokkola, "Development of steel alloying calculation model", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
- H. Pesonen, "Piipitoisuuden määrittäminen sulassa ferrokromissa elektrokemiallisen mittauksen avulla (Determination of the content of silicon in refined molten ferrochrome by an electrochemical measurement)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
- V. Kattilakoski, "Vaihtoehtoiset menetelmät booriyhdisteiden korvaamiseksi
AOD-kuonien stabiloinnissa (Alternative methods for replacement of boron compounds in stabilization of secondary metallurgy slags)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2015.
- S. Niemetmaa, "Tuotoksen ja teräksen puhtauden parantaminen kaatovaiheen optimoinnilla (Improving yield and steel cleanliness by optimization of the tapping stage)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2015.
- E. Isohookana, "A Physical Modelling Study of an AOD Converter", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2015.
- K. Pääskylä, "CAS-OB mallin kokeellinen validointi (Experimental validation
of a CAS-OB model)", Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2014.
Bachelor's theses
- L. Ylitalo, "Microalloying in the manufacturing of stainless steel", Bachelor’s thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- E.-M. Sassi, "Valokaariuunin elektrodien kuluminen (Wear of electrodes in the electric arc furnace)", Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- M. Raitanen, DRI as the raw material of EAF", Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- E. Salo, "Raakaraudan rikinpoiston laboratoriomittakaavaiset tutkimusmenetelmät (Heating and drying of scrap charged into an electric arc furnace), Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2023.
- M. Hauru, "Vibration measurements of a laboratory-scale ladle", Bachelor's thesis, Häme University of Applied Sciences, 2022.
- T. Ranto, "Metalli-kuona-reaktioiden vaikutus raakaraudan rikinpoistoon – Katsaus kokeellisiin tutkimuksiin" (The effect of metal-slag reactions on hot metal desulfurization - review of experimental studies), Bachelor's thesis, University
of Oulu, 2022.
- L. Aho, "Raakaraudan rikinpoiston laboratoriomittakaavaiset tutkimusmenetelmät" (Laboratory-scale experimental methods for hot metal desulfurization), Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2020.
- A. Harju, "Kromikonvertterikuonan vuorovaikutus doloma- ja magnesiahiili-vuorausten kanssa (Interaction of ferrochrome converter slag with doloma and magnesia-carbon refractories)", Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2019.
- A.-M. Heikka, "ulan lämpötilan mittaaminen ferrokromitehtaalla (Measurement of melt temperature at ferrochrome works)" Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
- A. Alamehtä, "ilot-mittakaavaisen valokaariuunin pohjan lämpöhäviöt (Heat losses in a pilot-scale electric arc furnace)", Bachelor's thesis, University
of Oulu, 2015.
Examination of doctoral theses
- J. Heenatimulla, "Sound analysis of the foaming process during gas injection in oxygen steelmaking", doctoral thesis, Swinburne University of Techology, 2024.
- O. Daghagheleh, "Investigation on Thermal Plasma Pyrolysis of Methane for Hydrogen Gas and Solid Carbon Production", doctoral thesis, Montanuniversität Leoben, 2024.
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- Y.-C. Lu, "Application of Hydrochar for Low-CO2 Emission Steel Production", doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
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- R. J. Compañero, "Recirculation of scrapped resources: The role of material information in enhancing the sustainability of recycling", doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
(Member of the evaluation committee)
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- S. Chanouian, "Mixing Time and Decarburization Reactions in Side-blown Metallurgical Converters", doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
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- B. Mitas, "Über die Roheisenraffination der schäumenden Emulsion im LD-Tiegel", doctoral thesis, Montanuniversität Leoben, 2023.
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- W. Wei, "Decarbonising the Stainless Steelmaking through Alloy Solutions", Doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
(Member of the evaluation committee)
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- M. de Colle, "Experimental studies to overcome the recycling barriers of stainless-steel and BOF slags", Doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2022.
(Member of the evaluation committee)
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- W. Liu, "Experimental and numerical analysis of blast furnace drainage",
Doctoral thesis, Åbo Akademi University, 2022.
(Pre-examiner and opponent)
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- R. Kadam, "Acoustic monitoring of steelmaking ladles", Doctoral thesis, Swinburne University
of Technology, 2021.
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- Y. Wang, "Characterization of Impurities in Different Ferroalloys and Their
Effects on the Inclusion Characteristics of Steels", Doctoral thesis, KTH
Royal Institute of Technology, 2021.
(Chairman of the evaluation committee)
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- T. A. Hay, "Mathematische Modellierung des Elektrostahlverfahrens", Doctoral
thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2021.
(Pre-examiner and co-opponent)
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- Y. Liu, "Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Metallurgical Processes", Doctoral
thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2020.
(Member of the evaluation
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- P. Ternstedt, "A Study of Parameters that Influence the Kinetics of the AOD
Decarburisation Process", Doctoral thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
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Memberships in follow-up groups of doctoral theses
- N. Aho, doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, forthcoming, (Member of the follow-up group)
- V. Rantala, "Ecologically sustainable cleaning of recycled graphite and natural
graphite for battery use", doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, forthcoming. (Chairman of the follow-up group)
- M. Pahnila, doctoral thesis, University of Oulu,
forthcoming. (Chairman of the follow-up group)
- S. Pöyhtäri, doctoral thesis, University of Oulu,
forthcoming. (Chairman of the follow-up group)
- H. Pauna, Electric arc characterisation and furnace process monitoring
with optical emission spectroscopy and image analysis, doctoral thesis,
University of Oulu, 2020. (Member of the follow-up group).
Supervision of visiting researchers
- B. Mitas (Montanuniversität Leoben), Mathematical modeling of the BOF process, 3
month doctoral research visit at the University of Oulu, 2021.
- C. Massa (KU Leuven), "Development and validation of a CFD model for gas-liquid, two-phase flow in bloom casting ladle shroud", 6-month exchange visit as a master's thesis worker at the University of Oulu, 2020.
- A. Ringel (RWTH Aachen University), "Online modelling of an electric arc furnace", 6-month exchange visit as a master s thesis worker at the University of Oulu, 2019 2020.
- T. Haas (RWTH Aachen University), "Physical Modelling of the Effect of Slag
and Top-Blowing on Mixing in the AOD Process", 4-month internship at the
University of Oulu, 2015.